Registrations for First Holy Communion are now available in the parish office and bookstore. They will be due on Sun, Jan 7. Classes will begin on Sun, Jan 14. Fr. McWhirter will be teaching the classes this year.
The Collegium is a traditional liberal arts college in Hagerstown, MD. The president, Edward Schaefer, will be here on Sun, Nov 12, after the Masses to speak to anyone who is considering college.
The Chesterton Society meets on Tues, Nov 14, at 7 pm.
Adult Catechism meets on Thurs, Nov 16, at 7 pm.
The Altar Guild meets on Sat, Nov 17, starting with the 8:30 am Mass.
Brown Bag Lunch Project. Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers and donators! The Knights of Columbus is partnering with the Brown Bag Lunch Program to have a food drive on Sun, Nov 19, to help the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament feed the hungry. The following food donations can be brought to the courtyard table during Masses that Sunday, or at any time, to the black box under the table in the vestibule:
We can only use non-perishable, single portion food listed below:
▪ Tuna, chicken, salmon pouches, other easy-to-open, single portion meats;
▪ Fruit cups, like peaches or apple sauce;
▪ Crackers, chips bagged in single portions;
▪ Healthy snacks like breakfast bars, soft granola bars, peanut butter/cheese crackers;
▪ Desserts like cookies, fig bars, pudding cups;
▪ Cash donations are also welcome.
Note from Fr. Curtis: Along with the St. Bernadette Fund & the Gabriel Project, the Brown Bag Lunch program is one of the measures taken by the parish in support of the poor. Please consider supporting it.