Pastor’s Column


On behalf of all of the priests, I wish a most blessed Easter to all of you. It is my greatest honor to serve as your pastor. I want to thank all of the community for your support, especially over these past two years. Also, I thank in particular all those that contributed to making the ceremonies of Holy Week possible, especially: the members of the Altar Guild, the choir, the Altar Linen & Flowers Society, the men of the security team, and all of those hidden volunteers who do so much for the parish unseen. I am tremendously grateful to all of you.


Commentary on Psalm 58:6

“The Virgin Mary was most certain that her son would rise on the third day, as he had predicted, but perhaps she did not know the hour of his resurrection, because it is not written that Christ had revealed the hour of his resurrection, whether at prime or terce [first or third hour of daylight],etc. … And she prepared the room, and found a chair for her son, saying, ‘Here my son shall sit and here I will speak with him.’ And she looked out of the window, and she saw the dawn breaking, and she rejoiced, saying, ‘Now my son is rising.’ And on her knees, she prayed, saying: ‘Rise up Lord to meet me, and behold: even you, O Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel’.”


These camps are scheduled for Jun 19 to 25 (Sun to Sat), and Jun 25 to Jul 1 (Sat to Fri), respectively. Camp Sacred Heart is for the boys, whereas Camp Immaculate Heart will be for the girls. Please note the dates on your calendars. The dates are arranged such that families that have both boys and girls attending will be able to pick up the boys on Sat, Jun 25 and at the same time drop off the girls.

Camp Sacred Heart will be run more or less as usual; however, I do anticipate the possibility of a larger than usual registration, as the parish has almost doubled in size in the last few years. It is possible that we will have to raise the minimum age (which was typically nine years old) this year. In any case, priority will be given to the older boys.

We anticipate a minimum age of twelve years old for Camp Immaculate Heart.

The cost of the camp will be $250 for the first child in a family, $200 for the second, $150 for the third, etc. Scholar- ships will be available for families for whom the registration fee constitutes a financial burden.

Registration forms available as of Easter Sunday.

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on April 17, 2022

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Weekend Masses

Saturday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am

Sunday High Mass: 10:30 am

Sunday Low Mass: 8:30 am, 1:00 pm

Weekday Masses

Monday and Wednesday: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm

Friday: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:30 pm

Please check our bulletin for more information.

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Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 455-5114