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Sacramento Chesterton Society Meeting
August 11, 2020
Our last meeting was quite interesting – more than half of the attendees chose to take advantage of the Zoom connection. It really worked out quite well, in my opinion. As long as this state of restricted contact/quarantine/shut down lasts, and as long as we can continue to use the classroom at the church, I think we will continue to use the “dual venue”, i.e., in the classroom after evening Mass with a computer to connect to the Zoom meeting setup.
As promised at the July meeting, I am going to send links to the essays for next month’s meeting. The main readings are from the collection of Chesterton essays, In Defense of Sanity. Tish has copies in the bookstore at a special rate for Chesterton Society members, about $16, regularly about $20. Be sure to pick up a copy, as this is the type of book you can refer to over and over again through the years for occasional reading, without the substantial commitment of sitting down with something like Orthodoxy or The Everlasting Man.
Our readings from In Defense of Sanity are:
In addition, we will read another short essay from The Defendant, and discuss it as time permits:
Our August meeting will be at St. Stephen’s, if conditions permit, and on Zoom from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
“Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.
– G. K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong with the World