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Sacramento Chesterton Society Meeting
November 9, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
The event our society sponsored with Dale Ahlquist and Christopher Check took place last Saturday evening, and was a huge success. Both gentlemen gave us wonderful, stimulating and encouraging talks about some Defenders of Christendom – Dale Ahlquist on King Alfred the Great as portrayed in The Ballad of the White Horse, and Christopher Check on Don John of Austria & Pope Pius V in Lepanto. They both held their audience spellbound. We had a wonderful time, and I hope you all did, too, if you were able to attend. Many people came up to Anne and me at the end of the evening and told us we need to do something like that again. It was very gratifying, and I hope it is also gratifying to all those who put in so much hard work making Saturday evening the success it was. So many of you worked very hard on this; if I were to try to name you all here I would inevitably forget someone, and that’s the last thing I want to do! Good job, everybody. We all need a good long break, then we need to think about doing something like it again sometime.
How can it be November already? All my jokes about there being “only 300 shopping days left until Christmas” are no longer funny. Christmas shopping season is truly almost at our throats, right now! And here it is, only a week away from the second Tuesday of the month and our next Society meeting. We are currently reading Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, Chapter VII, The Romance of Orthodoxy.
I hope to see you all there!