Pastor’s Column
Many thanks to Fr. McWhirter for finding this beautiful set on eBay and organizing its purchase. We may try to have a restoration piece made for the burse (which was sadly missing from the set) at some point, but it was still an amazing find and obtained for less than a quarter of what something similar would have cost to have made new.

Ticket sales are a bit low, which surprises me because this has been such a growing and successful event over the last few years. Chuck Chalberg, the actor who plays as G.K. Chesterton, will be reprising his role from some years ago; he is retiring very soon – in fact, I’m told that our event will likely be his very last. Dale Ahlquist, the leading world expert on the works and life of Chesterton, will also be speaking on Chesterton’s reasons for converting and the ripple effects of his entrance into the Church. Charcuterie, wine, dessert, and coffee will be available as well as time to socialize with fellow parishioners. It really is a nice evening and I’m so grateful to the many parishioners that make it possible. I hope to see many of you there! God bless!