Pastor’s Column
Fr. Latimer, before he left (actually well before he left), discovered a beautiful antique statue to St. Joseph with an online retailer, which looks very much of a similar style to the statue of Our Lady & Our Lord in the side chapel. He organized its purchase, but it has been about a year and a half that we’ve been waiting for shipping. The statue will eventually, Deo volente, adorn a second side altar, in a bigger Church. Parishioners will be restoring the statue, which is well over a hundred years old, but it will be available for viewing in the sacristy this Sunday.

It took months to have them shipped here, but they have finally arrived – two new holy water receptacles. You have probably seen one of them in the vestibule; the other is in the sacristy. Not only are they significantly higher volume than our old receptacle, but we can now swap the sacristy and vestibule receptacles when the latter one runs dry. So this should help us always have holy water available.

Thank you to all the volunteers that made for such a wonderful evening last night! I had so many comments about how much everyone enjoyed their evening, and especially I was so proud of the members of the youth group, who everyone was so impressed with. Thank you!