Pastor’s Column
It has come to my attention that the parking lot is often being reduced to gridlock between Masses on Sundays. To some extent this is sadly unavoidable. However, we do have cars idling in the throughways, waiting for people to leave Mass and then free up parking spaces. I can understand the motivation for this, but it is making a bad situation (limited parking) worse. Cars are backing up all the way into the street, and the parking lot is becoming so congested that it is difficult for parked cars to exit.
I am asking all parishioners not to idle in the throughways of the parking lot. Furthermore, I am directing security (kindly) to ask people to move along if traffic is being blocked. Within reason, I encourage men – on Sundays and Holy Days – to park streetside on 28th Ave, 44th St, or Soledad Ave. Men with families should drop off their wife and children before parking on the street. This will reserve parking for the elderly and women in our parish.
Take care not to block the driveways of our neighbors while parking. I know that our parking situation is the cause of much frustration. I sympathize, but I cannot think of any realistic short-term solution. Please continue to exercise patience and charity, even where circumstances may place you slightly late to Mass. God bless you.
Please consider attending the Marian Procession this year. This beautiful event concludes at the cathedral, at which the bishop has graciously give us leave to offer a Solemn High Mass. Details are available under the Announcements.

The Solemn High Mass offered in 2019 for the Procession.