Pastor’s Column


Fr. Stephen Braun has been assigned to Phoenix, Arizona; please keep him in your prayers as he travels to his new apostolate. Also, we will be joined by Fr. Evan Schwab, one of the newly ordained priests.

Fr. Braun will be leaving around June 26; Fr. Schwab will be arriving on June 28. The Solemn High Mass for the Feast of Saints Peter & Paul will be offered by Fr. Schwab – this will be his first public Mass at the parish.


This fall we will be starting up our adult catechism series again. Fr. Curtis will be teaching the class, which will generally be meeting on second and fourth Thursdays of the month from August until Easter (the only exceptions will be November and December, on account of Thanksgiving and Christmas). The classes meet at 7 pm, in the parish hall, and run about an hour and a half.

I encourage all parishioners to reach out to family members, friends, and co-workers that might be interested in learning about the Catholic faith. An excellent opener is: “Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic?” Or, “I’m going to be attending catechism classes at my parish, would you have any interest in joining me?” Depending on the response you get, you might assure the person that showing up for the classes – and even registering – does not represent any firm commitment towards becoming Catholic; it is normal for people to attend the classes even if they are merely curious about or investigating the faith.

Our first class is Thursday, August 10 at 7 pm. Those interested in registering or in the full schedule can contact me by e-mail at

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on June 11, 2023

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Mass Times & Directions

Weekend Masses

Saturday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am

Sunday High Mass: 10:30 am

Sunday Low Mass: 8:30 am, 1:00 pm

Weekday Masses

Monday and Wednesday: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm

Friday: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:30 pm

Please check our bulletin for more information.

5461 44th Street
Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 455-5114